See Yourself As You Really Are Not Today Blog 29

See Yourself As You Really Are! Not Today Blog 29

Five years ago, I sent a message to 10 of my closest friends and family members. Their replies blew me away.

The Message

Hey, thanks in advance for taking this seriously.
I appreciate your time and know how valuable it is.
I'm sending this only to the people that I respect and whose opinions I admire.

I'm currently reading a self-help book about how to get clarity on what I'm best at. And I would like your perspective on what you think I'm good at. This is not for my ego, nor am I trying to collect compliments but to help me see what I can best serve with.

I want to see myself on a deeper level and I would appreciate if you could give me feedback on what you think where my strengths lie.

This could be talents, skills, characteristics, things I'm good at, ways I approach things, things you can count on me for and any other distinguishing quality you see in me.

Thank you for your support :)

Foggy Mirror

I believe the book I read at the time was called “Six Months to Six Figures”.

I never got to make that six-figure income. At the time, I was working on a farm in Western Australia for 22 AUD per hour and earned about 15 grand in 3 months. That’s only one digit shy of six figures haha!

If there’s one thing I took away from that book, it’s the realisation that how you view yourself is different from how others view you. That can be good or bad.

Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques. The word vipassana means to see things as they really are. The meditation technique is teaching exactly that. To see the world without assumptions and stereotypes that we have learned from a young age. This and only this has enabled many people to be content with themselves and with the world – and made many people rich beyond imagination.

The Replies

I copied the text and sent it as WhatsApp messages to my friends and family. Not many replied or thought I was serious, but the ones that did reply gave me notes that were priceless.

These are actual messages I received in 2016, translated into English. I saved them because they mean a lot to me.

Mareen, one of my closest friends and old school mate:
1. You are honest
2. You are easy to talk to about anything
3. You are very funny
4. With you one can steal horses. And by that I mean that you would actually steal them with me, right now.
5. I think it's cool that you just do what you really want to do. Travel.
You are: very calm, for example at exam day, or when we were sailing. Our skippers confirmed that.

You are very disciplined. I think in 2.5 years of your apprenticeship, you got up late maybe twice?

You don't say no when asked for help. You always try to do your work well. Dad was very happy with your work when you worked for him. He didn't feel you were doing it half-heartedly.
Philipp, my best friend and sports mate:
Hi Fanny, late reply, scusi.

So, where do I start:
The best thing about you is your easy-going nature. You take everything in stride, there's never any stress in the air with you. And what you can do today, you can do tomorrow. With you, there's never a bad mood, come what may. I think you as my best friend know how much I think of you! Then to your strengths, apart from being an excellent HDM Schaffer, you can also paint doors incredibly well. You have quite a helpful side which I find very strong. When one needs help you offer yourself and are always there. You are reliable. When I'm not feeling well you listen to my problems, when I'm thirsty you spend the day with me and have a beer or two before four o' clock.

What do you need? What you need is talent!

In general I can only tell you that you are a great guy and that you should never lose your humorous, honest nature. I hope you get to know yourself on your long journey - because you've never thrown a punch like I have. I hope this was helpful for your ego and compliments collection! Joke! Phil

Why Not Today

I knew these things. I knew I was funny and helpful. But seldom do you hear nice things about yourself. These messages reaffirmed what my values were and should be.

I might never achieve a six-figure income. But maybe this is not what it is all about. Life is this massive road to consciousness.

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.

Anaïs Nin

I think you know what to do. Why not copy the message above and send it to people whose opinions you value to find something out about yourself. Why not today?


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