Tokyo Marathon 2019

Knowing The End! Not Today Blog 35

This week I don’t have answers. I have been wondering about this for a while. Does it get easier knowing the end?


I remember vividly how I had to break down every kilometre into 200-meter sections. The end of the marathon seemed more and more distant the closer I got to the finish.

That was 2019. I have been running ever since. On some of my runs, I step out the door with a goal of running a 10k. Sometimes I go out and just run.

With everything I do I ask myself; how could it help me on my row across the Atlantic? I have signed up for a 5000-kilometre rowing race across a vast ocean. And I can confidently say that I don’t understand this number. 5000 kilometres – how far is that? A Marathon is 42.195 kilometres. I know the pain that comes with running a marathon distance. Now do it 119 times back-to-back, but not on your feet, just with the strength of your arms.

You won’t want to get attached with the result. The result for us is who we get to be because of it.

Aaron Jon Fergusson


I have been asking myself lately if challenges like these would be easier mentally if you didn’t know your progress. No halfway mark, no Garmin watch. You just go and then, at some point, it’s over.

Would you get a better result if you didn’t have a deadline? Would you enjoy the Netflix movie more if you didn’t check the progress bar?

Or let’s ask a different question.

Would I enjoy life more if I knew when it was going to be over?


Going through physical exhaustion without knowing how much longer you need to go for is torture. Doing a task without giving yourself a deadline implies procrastination. Only the movie, I’m not sure about the movie.

I think knowing the end is a good thing. It’s scary, but it gives you a choice. If you knew how much time you had left on this planet, you would make it count.

No one is ever going to tell you when you’re going to die. But what you can do is realise that every day could be your last. You can take it as a reminder to live today and not wait.

You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.

Marcus Aurelius

Why Not Today

There are so many things that we should do now before it is too late. Meet with our parents, find our dream job, eat healthily.

But today I’d like you to brainstorm on challenges you have always wanted to take on. Pick something hard. Something that would push you to your limits. Now, think about how you would feel if you would pass this challenge. We, humans, are capable of a lot more than we think.

Why not today set yourself a new goal?


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