A title photo for a race fuel calculator. A trail runner running along a path in the mountains with incredible view.

Use this Race Fuel Calculator to find out how many Gels, Bars and Electrolytes you need for your next Race

You signed up for a race but you don’t know how to fuel for your race? Use this race fuel calculator to determine how many energy gels, energy bars and electrolyte tables you should bring!

The calculation is based on internet research, field reports from ultra athletes I follow and the experiences my friends and I have had at past trail races.

Why do you need a Race Fuel Strategy?

Consuming an inadequate number of calories during a long-distance race can lead to energy depletion and a decrease in performance. Failing to fuel your body with enough energy can result in fatigue, muscle weakness, and even bonking. Make sure you consume enough energy, even if that means carrying a little more weight in your hydration vest!

Electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, play a vital role in maintaining fluid balance and muscle function. Sweating during an endurance race can lead to electrolyte imbalances. This often results in muscle cramps, weakness, and reduced performance. Ensuring sufficient electrolyte intake is crucial to avoid these issues.

Developing a consistent and well-structured fueling plan with regular fueling intervals, helps maintain a steady energy supply.

Eliminate the guesswork and approach your race day with confidence.

Good luck for your next race

Try fueling during training sessions to figure out how much of what you need, but more importantly what tastes you like and what your stomach can handle.

Fueling your body effectively during an endurance race is vital for optimal performance. The Race Fuel Calculator offers a simple yet powerful solution to determine the ideal amount of energy gels, energy bars, and electrolytes you’ll need for your next race.

Good luck!!! Let me know how it went!

Let me know if it worked for you! What other calculation tools do you want to see next on this website?

Race Nutrition in Indonesia

Here’s a video I made about the gels I use here in Indonesia.

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